Can You Bury Your Horse, Pony or Donkey

Burial is often the first thought that comes into a horse owner’s mind when the end of life comes to their equine companion. It is important that you consider the practicalities when it comes to burial on your own land. The following information is here to help you to make an informed decision. Please call the team at Heavenly Pastures for a sensitive discussion and any further information you need on whether you can bury your horse, pony or donkey.

Can You Bury Your Horse?

Horses that are exclusively kept as pets can be buried as long as the owner obtains the agreement of the local authority and follows any advice that it gives. The local authority first has to agree that the horse was kept as a pet rather than livestock, as livestock cannot be buried.  Horses that are not kept as pets must be collected and delivered to premises that are approved under the EU Animal By-Production Regulations.  Heavenly Pastures can assist you in this regard.

Horse owners have to comply with all rulings made by their local authority over the burial site. These may include that the site is:

  • 250 metres away from any borehole, well or spring that supplies water.
  • A minimum of 30 metres from any other spring or watercourse.
  • At least 10 metres away from a field drain.
  • At least 1 metres of subsoil from the bottom of the burial pit, in a hole deep enough for at least 1 metre of soil to cover the remains.

It may be necessary for heavy machinery to be used, which might be difficult to arrange if a horse dies unexpectedly or due to emergency equine euthanasia.

Heavenly Pastures Horse Cremations

Heavenly Pastures Horse Cremations are here to help you with horse collection and cremation services in the North West – covering the counties of Lancashire, Merseyside and Cheshire. We give you the space to grieve as our premier equine end of life service takes care of the practical arrangements. For more help or advice contact us on one of the following:-

Leyland Horse Cremations 01704 776 976

Warrington Horse Cremations 01704 776 976

Southport Horse Cremations 01704 776 976

Wigan Horse Cremations 01704 776 976

St Helens Horse Cremations 01704 776 976

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